Livni and Netanyahu Claim Victory in Israel Elections

>> Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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Both Tzipi Livni of Israel’s Kadima Party and Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party have claimed victory in Israel’s Presidential elections held on Tuesday. At this point, the race is too close to call. Read about it below.

The Israel elections are still too close to call, however, both Tzipi Livni and Benjamin Netanyahu (also known as Bibi) have claimed victory. The right wing of the party has won a clear victory by gaining a 64 seat majority in the Parliament. Holding 64 of the 120 Parliamentary seats gives Netanyahu and the Likud party the advantage.

The Israel elections are still too close to call, however, both Tzipi Livni and Benjamin Netanyahu (also known as Bibi) have claimed victory. The right wing of the party has won a clear victory by gaining a 64 seat majority in the Parliament. Holding 64 of the 120 Parliamentary seats gives Netanyahu and the Likud party the advantage.

Livni is the leader of the Kadima Party in Israel, which is a more centrist party. Netanyahu is the leader of the Likud Party which is more hard line right wing.

Livni has called on Netanyahu to join a unity government, an offer he has so far declined. Yisrael Beiteinu Party Chairman, Avigdor Lieberman, has said that his party will only join a coalition government that is dedicated to toppling the Hamas regime in Gaza. Livni has taken a harder line with Hamas and other terrorists groups during the election, but many feel that she fell short of destroying Hamas before she pulled troops out before the inauguration of Barack Obama as the President of the United States.

In Israel, the winner of the election will then form a government. Bibi Netanyahu wins isscheduled to meet with Lieberman on Wednesday to begin discussions of forming a strong right-wing bloc to block any power exerted by the more centrist Kadima Party.

Current Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barack is not likely to remain a member of the cabinet. He is the leader of the Labour Party, which is trailing in fourth place. For all intents and purposes, the Labour Party is out of the game.

Israel is in a precarious position with the likelihood that Iran is close to completing their development of nuclear weapons. Iran has sworn to ‘push Israel into the sea’. There have been limited wars with terrorists organizations from both the north and the south. Hezbollah continues to be a threat out of Lebanon and Hamas continues to be a threat out of Gaza. It is widely believed that both Hezbollah and Hamas are being financed and armed by Iran.

Israel retaliated with both terrorists groups when they sent incursions into Israel and kidnapped and killed Israeli Soldiers and when they have continued to bomb civilian targets inside of Israel. In all incidents, the public has generally felt that Barack fell short of attaining his objectives. In fact, the objectives were not clear. In all incidents, the wars were suddenly stopped and Israeli Soldiers returned to Israel with no real progress having been made. As you might know, Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas two years ago and is still missing. Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser were kidnapped by Hezbollah about the same time as Shalit, both men have been confirmed dead.

Now with the United States being critically weakened, their only real ally, its no wonder that the Israeli people are looking for tougher leaders to protect them from the hostile countries that surround their small country.

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