Stephen Fowler, Top Thing Searched on Google for February 11, 2009

>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

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In the past week there have been some major news stories splashed on every newspaper, in all the magazines or talked to death on network television. Everything from the economy/stimulus plan, to President Obama's every move, to the Grammy's and the recent Chris Brown scandal are being covered this week.

With that in mind, I pulled up Google Trends, curious to see which of these stories would get the number one spot on today's most searched item in Google. To my surprise, it was none of these stories.

Stephen Fowler took the prize. Not knowing who he is, I clicked on a few stories about him and found out that he is one of the worst contestents to ever be on the show "Wife Swap," a hit show on ABC.

Apparantly he was rude, stereotypical, and an overall jerk. I guess there is just no predicting what has the power to trump breaking news and be popular on google.


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