All Fundies are Alike

>> Friday, February 6, 2009

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UT ON THE Innertubes, you can find a bunch of cool religion talk shows. One such is BBC 4’s Beyond Belief, a 30 minute weekly that touches on a wider variety of religious and ethical issues. The Episode on 26 January was about the Ramayana, an important Hindu Scripture. There were three guests on the show, including one who was quite clearly the token Hindu Fundamentalist.

What surprised me was how exactly like Christian FUndies he was. He was certain of a literal reading of the Ramayana; certain, even, that a later, more-embellished form of the text was the authentic text, even though scholars had found earlier versions; he was sure, for example, that the God-Man, Ram, had lived 100,000 years ago in a glorious kingdom. Of course there is no evidence of mankind at all more than 60 or 80,000 years ago and certainly not in glorious kingdoms reaching all over the world…

Unless you ask a Hindu Fundamentlist, who will get all “Creationist” on you and insist the human species is hundreds of thousands of years old.

The entire conversation was very interesting. You can listen to it on the website


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