Non-Toxic Kids Pregnancy and New Mom Series: Avoid Chemicals and Toxins

>> Friday, February 6, 2009

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When you are pregnant, or nursing, it is even more important to avoid toxins in your food and everyday products. Here's a compilation of posts from Non-Toxic Kids for new moms and moms to be about some ways to limit unecessary exposures to toxins, chemicals and radiation. Hopefully having it all in one post will be helpful for you expectant and new mamas.

1. Limit your exposure to plastics.

2. Eat less processed foods.

3. Avoid heavily using your cellphone.

4. Avoid pesticides, definitely the dirty dozen.

5. Use safer cosmetics.

6. Buy and use safer paints in your house.

Readers, what are your tips for expecting parents?

image: Pregnant Belly by kellyandapril on flickr under Creative Commons


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