Judd Gregg Withdraws As Commerce Secretary

>> Friday, February 13, 2009

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Just saw it on MSNBC.

The reason why the Commerce Secretary is important this time, is because of the 2010 Census. Getting folks accurately counted, and holding onto Black political representation - through Congressional Districts - is important to me. That’s why I thought it was a positive to see The Census moved into The White House.

Also, the Commerce Secretary also holds the office of the SBA, if I’m thinking correctly. And, if there’s anything Black folk need, it’s more businesses in the community.

So, that’s why I think the Commerce Secretary is still needed.

I’m not sad about Gregg leaving. I believe there has to be a business-minded Democrat, interested in improving AMERICAN Businesses, that could be chosen. I admit that I'd like to see a Black businesswoman get the post.


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