Valentines Day E-Cards Warnings
>> Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentines Day E-Cards Warnings
Watch our for fake valentines day e-card emails and the like hitting your inbox from scumbag spammers today and tomorrow / Sunday.
“The amount of Valentine’s Day-related spam we’re seeing this year is 50 percent higher than last year,” Adrian Duigan, product marketing manager at Web and e-mail security vendor Marshal8e6, told
It seems Valentines Day, like most popular events, is a top target for spammers wanting to infect your computer with malicious code that can let the spammer steal your credit card information and the like.
As they always do around this time of year, spammers are sending out e-mails with subject lines containing keywords such as “Valentine’s Day,” “February 14,” “Love,” or claiming the recipient has received a Valentine’s Day card. These e-mails contain links that either serve up advertisements or redirect the victim to another site where malware is downloaded to take over the victim’s computer.
And it’s not just your email inbox Valentines Day Spammers are targetting. They’re targetting your social media profile pages too.
For last minute types (whoever they may be), probably best to stick to flowers and chocolates and give Valentines E-Cards a miss this Valentines Day and tell your other half you won’t be sending anything via email.
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