Adventure club happens to include ski trips

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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Seventy people in Lubbock have a prescription for battling wanderlust: They call it the Texas Twisters Ski and Adventure Club.

Nearly the entire membership of the club frequently travels not only the United States, but on alternate years, the world.

The president, David Jeter, alludes to the schedule of excursions as though it were one continuing adventure that never really ends. The next time of travel, whether to the ski slopes of Colorado or the mile-high air over any safe landing spot for sky divers, is only weeks away.

"We are a group of adventure seekers," he said. "We are a mix of families and singles who try to find ways to get out of the house and have some fun every once in a while."

Jeter and his friends are often out and gone on a schedule that has been worked out months in advance, and offers a selection of trips that includes: A winter expedition to Nagano, Japan, just ended; Durango, Colo., now going on; Taos, N.M., March 14-17; Santa Fe, N.M., March 18-22; and a summer expedition to Panama, June 27-July 5.

But not every member goes on every trip - it's the buyer's choice, and at prices that veterans of the adventure club estimate are 50 percent below what it would cost an individual to book a trip.

The group gets great prices for numbers, and also because Texas Twisters is affiliated with the statewide Texas Ski Council.

Hazel Love, who has been a member of Texas Twisters for 25 years and is a

board member of Texas Ski Council, said trips to places like Aspen and other cities in Colorado have been possible because of the affiliation with the statewide organization.

"I have been able to go to Norway, to Russia, to Italy, France and Canada. We have also had trips to New Zealand. It's a great opportunity for people to travel, and they travel with a group," she said.

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