Stimulus Spending Spree Gets Cloture In Senate 61 - 36 With $10 Billion In Spending Added

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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The tally will be here when the Senate finally posts it. Senator Judd Gregg recused him from voting given that he’s joining the Obama administration. Given that vote tally, either another Republican joined Democrat ranks or Ted Kennedy made it into the Senate chamber to cast a vote.

And while you’re contemplating being one step closer to shelling out hundreds of billions of dollars for pork and no new jobs, consider this fun fact from Senator Jim DeMint:

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) claims that his proposed compromise “trimmed the fat, fried the bacon and milked the sacred cows” from the widely-ridiculed House “porkulus.”

But a closer look at the new 778-page bill (based on information available on Sen.Nelson’s site) reveals that the new Nelson-Collins compromise increases spending on over 130 government programs over the original House bill.

According to Ace another $10 billion in spending was tacked on during the Senate’s “trimming” and “slimming” of the bill.

Apparently that’s a new budgeting procedure from the US Congress. Let’s call it “trimming spending by adding spending.”

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