Exposure: Super Adventure Club

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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Exposure: Super Adventure Club

With possibly the most exciting band name ever, ever, Super Adventure Club could hardly be a bunch of stale dullards now could they? Nope, the Edinburgh trio’s very, um, special mixture of jazzy exploration, sonic GBH and facetious sarcasm is a wacky joy to behold, while live they promise about as many thrills as it’s possible to experience in the company of two boys, one girl and a kind of freaky human/equine cross breed. Intrigued? Read on.

Greetings guitarist and singer Bruce Wallace. We see the phrase “spazz jazz” employed frequently in describing your music. How does that sit with you?

‘I would just say it’s quirky pop, but spazz jazz is fine. I’m not insulted.’

Jolly good. It’s all a bit prog, innit?
‘I’ve got just as much interest in stuff like Frank Zappa and King Crimson as I have in The Pixies and Pavement. We all listen to loads of different kinds of music and throw it into what we’re doing.

What’s the most exciting thing about the very excitingly named Super Adventure Club?’
Probably Mandy’s ever changing luminescent hair. I think since we started, it’s been at least five different colours. Sometimes at once.

We understand that you’re occasionally joined onstage by a mysterious man with a horse’s head.
Yeah, his name’s B. He’s an elusive character, sometimes he just turns up completely of his own accord, sometimes we summon him. I just watched The Dark Night recently – maybe we should get a spotlight with a horse’s head on it to shine into the night sky.

Super Adventure Club play the Arches, Glasgow, Mon 10 Nov (supporting Volcano!)

Super Adventure Club’s debut album Chalk Horror! (self-released) is out now.

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